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The Vision Of Our Church
Based on the Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, especially Chinese and other Asians, make disciples of the Lord, to glorify God and love people.

Meet Pastor John & His Family
John was born in China and grew up in an atheist background. After graduation from college in 1998, he was diagnosed with a serious heart problem and could die in a few years. He began to think about the meaning of life and how to face death. His brother shared the Gospel with him, and by God’s grace, he became a Christian in 2000 after one year’s struggle. He began to serve in his local churches in 2008 through preaching and teaching. In 2017, he was called by God for full-time ministry, so he went to study at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and got a Master of Divinity degree. He and his wife Addie have four children: Esther, Matthew, Lucy, and Tom. In 2021, his family moved to Spartanburg and served in the East Asian church.
张劲鹏牧师出生于中国,在一个无神论的背景中长大。1998 年大学毕业后,他被诊断患有严重的心脏疾病并且可能几年后去世。他开始思考生命的意义和如何面对死亡。他的哥哥向他传福音。因着神的恩典,他经历一年的挣扎后于 2000 年成为基督徒。2008 年,他开始在教会参与讲台事工。2017 年底,他蒙神呼召全职服侍。之后在美国肯塔基州的路易斯维尔的南方浸信会神学院就读,获得道学硕士学位。他与妻子许姐妹有四个孩子:恩许,恩异,恩言,和恩道。2021 年 1 月份,他们全家搬到 Spartanburg,开始在当地的华人事工。
Ways To Help
We would love your help in making connections with others in the community! For more information, please contact Pastor John.
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